"The Pink man Files: Volume 3" animated with Pink Man Pink crayon, Hand Soap Opera sticker, and faux receipt

the pink man files

Creative Direction, Book Design, Image Editing, Print Management, Supplemental Copywriting

The Pink Man Files: Volume III is part artist’s book, part fiction, and part zine. This piece functions as an academic compendium of “evidence” to support the existence of the mythical Pink Men—enigmatic two-dimensional beings with their own eerie and elaborate sub-culture, created by Twin Cities artist Samual Weinberg.


Open book on pink background showing spread with stills from a short film
Open book on pink background showing spread with Pink Man painting and t-shirt

type & paper

Each section is designed in a drastically different style according to the media type and decade cited in the images and text. Typefaces of varying styles, classifications, and eras were meticulously selected to complement the content’s historic and cultural references. (For example: Simple, understated Garamond for an exhibition catalogue; web-safe fallback fonts for a simulated 2010 news site; clashing pastels and rigid columns for an early-80s textbook, etc.)

The paper stock changes appropriately across sections (coated gloss stock for a magazine snippet; gray felt weave to simulate newsprint, and so on). Sections are also divided by a deeply saturated pink paper with soft-coated texture, mimicking the texture of the Pink Man’s skin. 

collaborators & credits

Samual Weinberg

Andy Sturdevant
Writer, Birchwood Palace Industries

Quantum Graphics
Printer & Binder


Fabcon Precast